The criminal police – entry and promotion opportunities

Certain prerequisites are required for training with the criminal police.

  • While it used to be possible to join the criminal police with an intermediate educational qualification, this is no longer the case today. The middle service at the Kripo was abolished and so anyone who wants to join the criminal police today needs a technical college entrance qualification or the Abitur. The training takes place as part of a three-year course at the state police colleges or the federal college. The degree differs slightly from state to state. In some federal states there are separate courses for the police inspector who works with the police and the detective inspector who works in the criminal investigation service, in others it is a uniform course and the specialization only takes place afterwards.
  • After being accepted into the criminal service and accepted into the civil service, which is initially on probation and after a few years usually for life, a detective begins his career as a detective inspector. He then works for one of the state police or for the federal police. A detective inspector can advance to the position of first detective chief via the stations chief inspector and chief inspector.

The salary at the Kripo

Detectives, as the name suggests, are officers. Strictly speaking, your salary is therefore called your salary. While the salary group for the simple service ranges from A 2 to A 5 and for officers in the middle service from A 5 to A 9, the salary group in the higher service, to which detectives belong, starts with A 9 and goes up to A 13.

  • A detective inspector starts with salary group A 9. What he ultimately earns net, however, depends on which federal state he lives in, how old he is and what marital status he has. As of 2012, the Bavarian police website gives the following example for a police inspector who has the same salary as a detective inspector: A 24-year-old inspector, single and in tax class I, earns around 1,886 euros net in Bavaria.
  • If a detective inspector is promoted to senior detective inspector, he rises to salary group A 10. When promoted to chief inspector, salary group A 11 applies initially, and A 12 from an older age. The first chief inspector, in turn, belongs to salary group A 13. For this, the side of the Bavarian police gives an approximate net salary of 3832 euros for a fifty-year-old married chief inspector with two children who belongs to tax class III.
  • However, a promotion and thus a higher salary is also possible if a detective in the higher service saddles up a master’s degree on top of his three-year degree. Such a degree qualifies you for a job in the higher civil service. There, the salary brackets begin with A 13.

So, depending on how far a detective gets, they have a few opportunities to increase their salary.

By Chavez

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